It has been many, many months since I have posted. I have a lot to catch up on.
So here is April in a nutshell:
Football games
13th - Coleson & Kyler B-day party
17th - Coleson's B-day, Bridon leaves for 1st Turkey Hunt
(which is why we had b-day party on Monday)
18th - Kyler's B-day
24th - Tommy's B-day - jester's, dinner, night out!

Wow! You better go have your dad clean your teeth!

Cousins buried Danner.
We told them they couldn't cover the head.
Can u find Danner's head?
Well this was our Easter picture this year.
No Sunday Best this year.
Kyler won the egg rolling contest at the Bowen's this year. He still talks about how he beat everyone in the egg rolling contest and can't wait to beat everyone again next year. Nice trophy Kyler!
Kyler and Coleson's combined birthday party.
The beauty of having a 2 and 4 year old who don't care if they have their own special day yet. I am afraid that might have to start next year with Kyler turning the big 5.
"I love Chocolate!!!"
A little April shower on these cupcakes.
This month's moments:
Easter - This year was a little bit different in the tradition of the Bowen family. We usually do Easter baskets and Easter Egg hunt on Sunday morning. This year we did our Easter Baskets on Saturday so that we could focus more of our time on Sunday on the Savior and the true purpose of Easter. It was really nice. Hopefully a new tradition in the life of the Bowen's.
Bridon's first Turkey - Bridon's first Turkey hunt was a little frustrating for him because he got a shot and missed at 10 yds. After that, he and his dad shot the gun again and realized the sites were way off. If the sites had been on, he would have shot a turkey on his first hunt. He's excited to try again next year.
Tommy's birthday - For the first time in many years, Tommy wasn't hunting on his birthday. It was fun to have him around and spend the weekend with him. Probably a little selfish on my part. He would probably prefer spending the weekend with me on a hunting trip.