Overview of October:
Bridon turned 11

It seems for some reason in the B home when we just do a birthday cake with family on our children's actual birthday, they have to all sit on the counter to sing and blow out the candles. So, here we are,
Bridon's 11, and still sitting on the counter to blow out his candles. At least they are all freshly bathed.
Bridon/Danner combined birthday party
Here is a picture of all of the boys at Bridon and Danner's combined b-day party, as well as the girls who came and crashed it and sprayed all the boys with shaving cream.

We had a real problem that day with the cupcakes. The sprinklers at the park kept coming on for some reason. We kept moving the table with the cupcakes; but, of course, one time we didn't move fast enough and the cupcakes got a few sprinkles of water. Luckily, little boys don't seem to care.

October Break
Fun with the Cookies at their cabin.

This year we had a really good time over October Break. Tommy usually never takes off any time from work during the boys breaks, but this year was different. We were able to go for several days on a cabin trip with the C family. The kids had a blast. They played flashlight tag, hiked, climbed trees, played games, picked berries, played football, climbed trees. My kids still talk about it, especially the trees there were to climb.
Crazy Climbing Danner

If you can't tell what this is or why I would post it, look really close. See a figure of a boy at the top of the light pole? That's Danner. Crazy climbing monkey. One day, we were out front playing before dinner and he starts scaling the light pole. Slowly getting higher and higher. Here is a picture of him right before he touches the top. Crazy, crazy boy!