Just before Christmas my cousin Annaka took some family pictures for us. Needless to say, the past couple of months have been crazy and I am just now getting some of these posted. She did an amazing job. She is just starting to do it professionally and I was so excited to have these done. Thanks Annaka. You are awesome. She really captured my kiddos so perfectly.

I love this picture because it is the perfect Coleson look.
"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero!" Marc brown
I love this picture because when I look at it reminds me how Kyler was being so grumpy and unhappy about pictures and then Bridon took him and put him on his shoulders and started playing with him. From that point on Kyler was great about pictures. Bridon is so fun and really knows how to be a great big brother. Thanks Bridon for being such a sweetheart.

Kyler and Coleson weren't being very happy about pictures and so to distract them the other boys started roaring like lions. This is Coleson looking at Danner like "You're a crazy brother!" I love it. I am so glad we got pictures of Danner missing his two front teeth. It is soo cute.